I know from experience, throwing your hands in the air and
muttering useless words like, “why me?” only results in more suck. Likewise,
stumbling around and letting life drag you down produces negative energy that
attracts more suck. Neither of these techniques worked for me. So, what is a
person to do in the face of serious suck?
There is only one logical answer to this and every sucky scenario.
Yup, embrace the suck.
Sometimes good things come out of the suck. We live life
forward and we understand it backwards. It is that whole, hindsight is 20/20
thing. If only we could understand the suck when we are stuck in it. But, we
cannot because we are not meant to. Perhaps it is an appreciation thing, or a
lesson in trust and perseverance. I do not know.
What I do know from going through plenty of suck myself is,
as time passes, I could begin to see how the suck transformed my life. I grew
stronger. I found a belief in myself that became resolute. I fought and I
found strength. New, amazing people came into my life. And, those that believed
in me never left. Now, I find myself in the most amazing place surrounded by
the most incredible people. Even though the suck still visits me on the
regular, I stand firm and unwavering.
So, if you happen to be wading through a sea of suck right now,
please know, you are in good company. Some of the most inspirational and
accomplished people of our time were transformed by adversity.
“All the world is full of
suffering. It is also full of overcoming.” – Hellen Keller
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