Thursday, November 27, 2014

#takebackthejoy Challenge

It is that time of year when we take time out to reflect upon our blessings. We are all blessed, regardless of what we may be wading through. If we have food on our table, family and/or friends to share it with, and a roof over our head we are indeed blessed. This is especially important this year in the midst of recent social events that seem to be spreading negativity across social media.

I know what you may be thinking: this is nothing new. We are all conditioned to focus on our blessings on Thanksgiving. But think about this… just one day later, we surrender all that is sacred as we fight our way through the Christmas rush on Black Friday. 

There is simply not enough joy in the season. We are obsessed with negative events, task lists, obligations and the countdown to C Day that we have lost the joy. Today I challenge all of you to take it back. Let’s take back the joy this Christmas and holiday season!

Every day from now till Christmas make it a goal to do something nice for someone. Give a stranger a compliment. Pay someone’s fast food order in line behind you. Pass out candy canes during holiday rush shopping. No matter what you chose to do, focus on making people smile in the midst of the holiday rush.

Warning, if you chose to take on this challenge, you may find yourself with a permanent smile. Others may think you are hiding something. Friends will inquire about what’s going on. Some may think you’ve had cosmetic surgery. Why? Because, you possess something rare, something elusive, something radiant; you possess joy and others either want it or they want to be around it.
If you commit to the #takebackthejoy challenge you will increase your blessings ten-fold because your joy will radiate your soul and permeate your surroundings. You will increase the blessings of others because joy is contagious. One compliment or random act of kindness from you will spread from stranger to stranger and unbeknown to you, will reach numbers beyond your imagination.

When you do something to spread the joy, post it on social media. Let’s make joy go viral this season! #takebackthejoy challenge


  1. Very Nice Kathy, isthis idea a true reflection of you as a person.

    1. Should read, Very Nice Kathy, THIS IDEA is a true reflection of you as a person.
